
Stable packages

Stable packages (and master branches) are published on Packagist; therefore you can easily use Composer to include them into your project.

$ composer require "smalldb/libsmalldb"
$ composer require "smalldb/smalldb-symfony-bundle"
$ composer require "smalldb/flupdo"
$ composer require "smalldb/template-sloth"
$ ...

There are no tarballs nor zips for download. If you wish to get stable packages, download a tagged version from the Git repository. The Composer will use the tagged (the stable) versions by default.

Also, there is an RSS feed with new versions and other news about Smalldb.

Git Repositories

Please use the primary repository to submit issues and merge requests.

Development Composer Repository

If you wish to use development branches from the primary Git repository, add the following repository definition to your ~/.composer/config.json (not to project’s composer.json):

    "repositories": [
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ""

This Composer repository will not contain any forks. Please do not use this repository unless you have a good reason to do so.