| headerComment ($sql_statement,...) |
| Replaces content of buffer -- HEADER with $sql_statement . More...
| delete ($sql_statement,...) |
| Appends $sql_statement to buffer DELETE . More...
| from ($sql_statement,...) |
| Appends $sql_statement to buffer FROM . More...
| using ($sql_statement,...) |
| Appends $sql_statement to buffer USING . More...
| join ($sql_statement,...) |
| Appends $sql_statement prefixed with JOIN to buffer JOIN . More...
| innerJoin ($sql_statement,...) |
| Appends $sql_statement prefixed with INNER JOIN to buffer JOIN . More...
| crossJoin ($sql_statement,...) |
| Appends $sql_statement prefixed with CROSS JOIN to buffer JOIN . More...
| straightJoin ($sql_statement,...) |
| Appends $sql_statement prefixed with STRAIGHT_JOIN to buffer JOIN . More...
| leftJoin ($sql_statement,...) |
| Appends $sql_statement prefixed with LEFT JOIN to buffer JOIN . More...
| rightJoin ($sql_statement,...) |
| Appends $sql_statement prefixed with RIGHT JOIN to buffer JOIN . More...
| leftOuterJoin ($sql_statement,...) |
| Appends $sql_statement prefixed with LEFT OUTER JOIN to buffer JOIN . More...
| rightOuterJoin ($sql_statement,...) |
| Appends $sql_statement prefixed with RIGHT OUTER JOIN to buffer JOIN . More...
| naturalLeftJoin ($sql_statement,...) |
| Appends $sql_statement prefixed with NATURAL LEFT JOIN to buffer JOIN . More...
| naturalRightJoin ($sql_statement,...) |
| Appends $sql_statement prefixed with NATURAL RIGHT JOIN to buffer JOIN . More...
| naturalLeftOuterJoin ($sql_statement,...) |
| Appends $sql_statement prefixed with NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN to buffer JOIN . More...
| naturalRightOuterJoin ($sql_statement,...) |
| Appends $sql_statement prefixed with NATURAL RIGHT OUTER JOIN to buffer JOIN . More...
| lowPriority () |
| Sets content of buffer PRIORITY to LOW_PRIORITY . More...
| quick () |
| Sets content of buffer QUICK to QUICK . More...
| ignore () |
| Sets content of buffer IGNORE to IGNORE . More...
| where ($sql_statement,...) |
| Appends $sql_statement to buffer WHERE . More...
| orderBy ($sql_statement,...) |
| Appends $sql_statement to buffer ORDER BY . More...
| limit ($sql_statement,...) |
| Replaces content of buffer LIMIT with $sql_statement . More...
| footerComment ($sql_statement,...) |
| Replaces content of buffer -- FOOTER with $sql_statement . More...
| __construct ($pdo, $log_query=false, $log_explain=false, $no_parenthesis_in_conditions=false) |
| Constructor.
| __call ($method, $args) |
| Call buffer-specific method to process arguments. More...
| quoteIdent ($ident) |
| Quote identifier , preserve dot.
| compile () |
| Call compile function in a safe way.
| uncompile () |
| "Uncompile" the query. More...
| debugDump () |
| Fluently dump query to error log.
| getSqlQuery () |
| Get compiled SQL query, use only for debugging.
| getSqlParams () |
| Get parameters for compiled SQL query, use only for debugging.
| quote ($value) |
| Quotes a string for use in a query. More...
| rawSql ($sql) |
| Returns object marking raw SQL statement.
| exec () |
| Builds and executes an SQL statement, returning the number of affected rows. More...
| query () |
| Builds, binds and executes an SQL statement, returning a result set as a PDOStatement object. More...
| prepare ($driver_options=array()) |
| Builds and prepares a statement for execution, returns a statement object. More...
| lastInsertId () |
| Proxy to PDO::lastInsertId().
| fetchSingleRow () |
| Fetch one row from result and close cursor. More...
| fetchSingleValue () |
| Fetch one row from result and close cursor. More...
| fetchAll ($key_column=null) |
| Fetch everything into array. More...
| __toString () |
| Get SQL query as a string.
| compileQuery () |
| Process all buffers and build SQL query. More...
| add ($args, $buffer_id) |
| Add SQL fragment to buffer.
| replace ($args, $buffer_id) |
| Replace buffer content with SQL fragment.
| setFlag ($args, $buffer_id, $label) |
| Set flag. More...
| addJoin ($args, $buffer_id, $label) |
| Add join statement to buffer.
| compileQuery () |
| Process all buffers and build SQL query. More...
| explain () |
| Explain the query and dump result to log.
| sqlStart () |
| Start SQL generating. More...
| sqlFinish () |
| Finish SQL generating. More...
| sqlBuffer ($buf) |
| Add SQL with parameters. More...
| sqlRawBuffer ($buf) |
| Generate raw SQL fragment.
| sqlComment ($buffer_id) |
| Generate SQL comment.
| sqlFlag ($buffer_id) |
| Generate flag fragment.
| sqlStatementFlags ($buffer_id, $flag_buffer_ids, $decorations) |
| Generate SQL fragment made of flags.
| sqlList ($buffer_id, $decorations) |
| Generate SQL fragment made of list.
| sqlValuesList ($buffer_id) |
| Generate SQL fragment made of list values. More...
| sqlJoins ($buffer_id) |
| Generate SQL fragment made of joins.
| sqlConditions ($buffer_id) |
| Generate SQL fragment made of conditions in AND statement.
static | generateDoxygenDocumentation () |
| Generate documentation for methods defined in $methods array.
| $pdo |
| PDO driver used to execute query and escape strings.
const | INDENT = 0x01 |
| List items should be indented.
const | LABEL = 0x02 |
| SQL fragment has a label.
const | BRACKETS = 0x04 |
| There are brackets around each item in the list.
const | NO_SEPARATOR = 0x08 |
| No separator between list items.
const | SUB_INDENT = 0x20 |
| Indent more the first line.
const | COMMA = 0x40 |
| Add comma after the SQL fragment.
const | EOL = 0x80 |
| Add EOL after the SQL fragment.
const | ALL_DECORATIONS = 0xFF |
| Make it fancy!
| $log_query |
| Log all queries as they are executed.
| $log_explain |
| Explain each query to log.
| $no_parenthesis_in_conditions |
| Sphinx does not like parenthesis in WHERE.
| $can_explain = false |
| Is it possible to explain this query?
| $indent = "\t" |
| Indentation string.
| $sub_indent = "\t::t" |
| Second level indentation string.
| $query_sql = null |
| Built query.
| $query_params = null |
| Parameters for prepared statement (to be bound before query is executed).
| $buffers = array() |
| Buffers containing SQL fragments.
Flupdo Builder for DELETE statement.
– http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/delete.html
[WHERE where_condition]
[ORDER BY ...]
[LIMIT row_count]
– OR –
tbl_name[.*] [, tbl_name[.*]] ...
FROM table_references
[WHERE where_condition]
– OR –
FROM tbl_name[.*] [, tbl_name[.*]] ...
USING table_references
[WHERE where_condition]