- Member AbstractMachine::exportDotIdentifier ($str, $prefix= 's_')
- Extract Graphviz library to keep graphs and parts of the graphs contained.
- Member AbstractMachine::getView ($id, $view, &$properties_cache=null, &$view_cache=null, &$persistent_view_cache=null)
- Override or call handlers?
- Member AbstractMachine::isTransitionAllowed (Reference $ref, $transition_name, $state=null)
- Transition should not have full definition of the policy, only its name. Definitions should be in common place.
- Member AbstractMachine::performSelfCheck ()
- Extend this method with more checks.
- Class FlupdoBackend
- Make this dumb and provide it from somewhere else.
- Member FlupdoBackend::createQueryBuilder ($type)
- This should be machine listing, not general query builder.
- Member FlupdoMachine::$user_id_auth_method
- Review this.
- Member FlupdoMachine::checkAccessPolicy ($access_policy_name, Reference $ref)
- Caching ? Reference object has property cache. It would be nice to pass it here.
- Member FlupdoMachine::queryAddPropertiesSelect ($query)
- Skip some properties in lisings.
- Member JsonDirBackend::createListing ($filters, $filtering_flags=0)
- : Support complex filtering over multiple machine types and make 'type' filter optional.
- Member Reference::__construct (AbstractMachine $machine, $id=null)
- Check $id to be made of scalar values only.
- Class Utils
- Refactor this to standalone classes or libraries.