Smalldb does not enforce any URL scheme, but current implementation is designed as described in this section. Primary goals are to have RESTful interface and to be compatible with plain HTML forms.
State machine ID is identifier unique within an application. It typicaly consists of machine type and primary key. The primary key is unique within all state machine instances of given type (like primary key is unique in SQL table).
To make state machine ID world-wide unique a server name (a domain) must be added. So the full URL of state machine instance may look like this:
Please note that primary key may be compound so the path may have more than two pieces. How is the path mapped to state machine space is determined by backend.
In some applications it may be desired to have all machine instances arranged in a one large tree, where the path to any single state machine instance does not contain any information about its type. The backend will have to lookup the tree node in a database when processing URL, but otherwise it makes no difference.
HTML5 specification describes two HTTP methods: GET and POST. Other HTTP methods, like PUT or DELETE, are not mentioned in HTML5 specification, so they cannot be used by HTML forms. And because plain HTML form is the minimal client for Smalldb, only HTTP GET and HTTP POST is used.
HTTP GET represents read operation. No change is performed on server. The only exception is extending session timeout.
HTTP POST represents write operation, which in context of state machine means invoking a transition (action).
To specify which action should be performed a query parameter "action" is used. For example, the URL for invoking an "edit" action looks like this:!edit
When HTTP POST is performed on this URL, the "edit" transition in specified state machine is invoked.
However, it is also possible to use HTTP GET on such URL. In that case an information required to perform HTTP POST is returned to a client. In case of web browser this means a HTML form is sent back. Format of such information is determined by "Accept" HTTP header, so it is possible to have fancy Javascript client using the same URLs as plain HTML forms.
Smalldb knows only two operations: Reading a state and invoking a transition. From this point of view there is no use of other HTTP methods, including HTTP PUT which would only make everything more complicated.
Smalldb HTTP API still preserves other important properties of RESTful applications, like identifying resources (state machines) with URL and possibly linking to each other, state-less communication (and related scalability), cachability, uniform interfaces, and others. Keep in mind that using of HTTP methods in REST is a consequence, not primary feature of REST.